Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Walkathon Wrap Up

a little last fund raiser wrap up!

In May 2009 the month designated as 'Blind Awareness Month' in Grenada, the RCB planned and staged a 'Blind Awareness Walk' to keep the population of Grenada reminded that the blind and visually impaired have hopes dreams and aspirations of equal importance as those of their sighted peers.

The walk was carried out successfully, with lots of promotional appearances on a few of Grenada's television station, radio announcements and t-shirts sporting the braille alphabet on the back (raised so that our blind and visually impaired students could read our motto as well ofcourse, we never forget 'Education for All' here at RCB) and showing of our RCB logo at the front.

All proceeds raised go toward the purchase of a Braille Embosser to mass produce copies of school textbooks for our blind and visually impaired students

Let me take this moment to say thank you to all our sponsors such as FedEx, participating schools, Westerhall Secondary School Drum Corp for providing the beat for us to march to, all the people that purchased and supported through the wearing of our t-shirts :)

without all of you none of this could have been possible, again THANK YOU!

and now for the fun part? Pictures!!

Article by: S. Hamlet