Wednesday, May 20, 2009

college education for the blind and visually impaired? we say YES!

This college is dedicated to just that!

Blind Students Worldwide!

Adam is Blind and is grateful to be in the mainstream schools...

Blind Occuaptions

A Blind Artist - Mr Ricky as affectionately called by the students he visits is a mentor at schools, teaching children that you don't HAVE to be sighted to do the things you love

Legally Blind Elementary School Teacher in Florida U.S.

Blind in Business! - Check it out

Article Contributed by S.Hamlet
This video contains some background information on blindness and low vision as well as some technological aids available for blind education today

Article Contributed by: S.Hamlet

Blind Travel

this site provides some interesting material concerning mobility of the blind and visually impaired. A topic, the Resource Centre for the Blind Grenada is most concerned with. Our goal is to some day make independent travel as safe and possible as one can master for the public of Grenada and it's sister states. Any help or suggestions to make this vision a reality sooner rather than later is welcomed and you are encouraged to send your feed back and suggestions to our email address at

thank you!

Article contributed by: S.Hamlet