A teacher’s job is never done, especially in the area of special education. We at the Resource Centre for the blind have found this to be so very true, this is the story of one such occasion.
Meet Cindy

Cindy went blind early in her life. after and unsuccessful eye operation said blindness became permanent. She has had previous mobility training, unfortunately has not had the opportunity to put it to use and has in fact held herself up in her home for the last NINE years.
Meet Cindy
Cindy went blind early in her life. after and unsuccessful eye operation said blindness became permanent. She has had previous mobility training, unfortunately has not had the opportunity to put it to use and has in fact held herself up in her home for the last NINE years.
When our teachers heard of this we at RCB decided it was time for a home visit. It was eventful, her family was welcoming and she was intrigued by the idea of leaving her home. RCB decided to help make this idea less of a possibility and more of a reality.
So, our present Peace Corp Volunteer Miss Alyssa Gaalema has been assigned to provide her Orientation and Mobility training and experience in the present absence of a ministry assigned Orientation and Mobility Teacher. She is also accompanied by our present TAMCC Vulunteer Miss Prince.
Miss Gaalema made now meets with Cindy once a week where she walks with her and helps her develop the skills necessary to navigate up and down the hill that separates her home from the main road, in an effort to inspire independence.
We hope that someday soon Cindy will be able to independently make the commute from her home to the Resource Centre for the Blind headquarters, where she already visits with the aid of said Peace Corp. volunteer, all on her own. However, we are not an organization that walks just by hope but by action and are going to do as much as is within our power to make it happen.
Can you imagine being way from society for over ten years only due to lack of knowledge of other possible options?
What it would be like to step into the swarmth of the unlight again and with safety and confidence walk from point A to point B carrying out an independent agenda?
How joyous and occasion!
Small victories!
Now for the big stuff, Bring it on May Way Walkathon!